Our weight has much to with our metabolism.
Better the metabolism, better is the weight loss.
Is there any magical remedy to increase the metabolism?
Along with the balanced diet & proper exercise many of you must have observed that you are not getting any results. Or you have hit the plateau…
Well that’s a very common thing…. Especially in women…
We, as a woman we are blessed to have hormones which makes us capable of giving birth to a new life & at the same time our hormone integration is so complicated that almost everything happening to us can be connected (or blamed) to hormonal imbalances.
& weight loss / Fat loss plateau is one of the reflections of it.
In today’s session we gonna discuss about how can we can overcome this…

  • Increase the intensity of your Cardio workout – Check what type of workout you are doing. If you are just madly running on treadmill every single day for fat loss / weight loss then please stop doing that. Don’t be a “Cardio Fools”
    Cardio is not bad, but doing only cardio & that too at the same intensity & speed, even if you do it for hours, you are not going to get any results.
    Solution – If you want to include cardio in your workout routine do it for only 2-3 days. Alternate your running intensity in High & low. Means, 2min slow, 1 min fast (as fast as you can) 2min slow, 1 min fast. Do 3 cycles of it = 9 min. Take rest for only one min & then again start. And you will see that your heart rate has gone up & all your energy is burnt out in 1st round only. This will help you to increase metabolism & burn fats faster.
  • Lift weights Smartly – If you are doing weight training from long time in a same pattern – Specific number of sets & reps, then you are wasting you time & money. Rather than doing same sets with same weight, give it a twist.

DO Supersets –
Ex. Supersets consist of performing two exercises, these two exercises can target the same muscle group or target opposing muscle groups.
An example of this for a single muscle group would be performing a lat pulldown along with a bent over row. You would perform these two sets, have a 1-minute rest and perform them again. It’s recommended not to do more than 4 sets of each exercise.
To train opposing muscle groups, an example would be performing a barbell curl press down along with an incline skull crusher. Here you are targeting the biceps and the triceps, with the same principle of a rest in between performing both sets.
To make it more simple (if not going to gym) – Doing Squats & planks , Lunges with crunches.
You can combine any two types of workout for this. But the ground rule is, increase in REPS & no rest in between small sets…
This way you will be hitting two different muscle groups at the same time with increasing intensity…
This will increase your heart rate & rav up your metabolism so that you can burn more fats…
Is changing the workout pattern enough to achieve your fitness goals? Definitely not….
How can we change our eating pattern & yet to lose more…? we will learn in my next article….
Part 2 –
In my last article we learnt about how we can change our workout pattern & intensity to make it more effective & help us loose more fats…. And at the same time come out of the weight loss plateau.
You all know this better, that to achieve any Fitness Goal, exercise has only 20-30% of role.
And rest all the game is on Diet – Rather I would like to rephrase it as “NUTRITION”.
If you are eating same pattern of food, especially less food from longer time, forget that you will lose any weight. And if you do so, then you are losing your muscle mass. And how can we forget, you must be losing your hairs & skin glow too.
Remember, your muscles give you better metabolism. Better metabolism means you can eat more & still keep on losing…Isnt it interesting…
Let’s get deeper –
See, when you eat consistently fewer calories than your body requirement, then your body will go in starvation mode. It will hold on / store the food it gets to use as a fuel scaring that tomorrow fuel will not available. In such cases, your body will store more & utilize less.
As a result, you feel weaker (coz there is less conversion of energy from food), irritated & stressed out.
You may see some changes on scale, but that is you lose on water, fats & muscles. You may experience constipation, Acidity & sleep issues too.
This will further slower down your metabolism & at one pint of a time, you stop losing weight.
SO whats the Solution?
If you can relate to the above situation, then don’t get scared, we can come out of it.

  • Start eating more. Increase your overall intake (carbs, proteins & fats)
    This might sound confusing…Ex. If you are eating only 1 roti, increase it to 2-2.5,
    If you are eating 2 servings of protein (aprx,1 cup =1 serving) then increase it to 4-5 servings. Distribute it in dairy, paneer, sprouts, lentils, chicken, Fish etc.
    If you are taking 2-3 tbsp. of fats (it includes, ghee, oil, nuts & seeds) then increase it by only 1 tblsp.
    This was just an example; you can structure your diet accordingly. Keeping the baseline same.
    This way, your body will be happy to get enough fuel & it will burn out the stored fats.
  • Pair up with high intensity exercise.
    Change in nutrition & exercise pattern will help you sleep better. & in turn will give you better energy.
    It will help you to increase in muscle mass, and so the metabolism.
    If you start doing this, eventually you will see your tummy going inside & you have started feeling fresh, energetic & better.

REMEMBER, eating less is not the solution, Eating Better is