A few days back, saw a message on watsapp about a 10yr old child dies because of heart attack.
I am not sure about the exact medical reason as I don’t know the family.
But there were few things which were highlighted made me think of the kids of this generation.
We can not expect our kids to have the same childhood the way we had one.
We always complain that now a days kids are not playing, they are always with screen etc.
Otherwise they have to rush to one class after other, one activity after the other. School timings are early, so they might not be getting enough sleep.
Plus, they are not eating well in school.
Or even if they do, they eat in a hurry & don not chew their food well.
This is making their digestion systems worse.
On top of this, the weight of the school bags.
Many children are complaining about the shoulder pain.
In spite of Government norms, schools are ignorant about it.
Normal weight of bags like around 2-4 kgs is still acceptable. But in kids age 4 to 8 it should be not more than 2 kgs (including bottle & tiffin weight)
Homework is another pain from school. Small kids of play group & nursery are given home work (even if its simple (Its simple to parents & not for kids of that age)
Why don’t you let them play with their friends the way they want? Why don’t you let them explore their abilities?
Even after putting our kid in the best of the school, we are again sending them to tuitions …why?
Why can’t we teach them self-study & take responsibility of their own education (the way we did)
We are paying such high fees, & what we are getting… Shoulder pains, agony of competition & all this at the cost of our kids childhood.
Putting kids in classes has became a status symbol, but have u ever thought, is your child really interested in that activity? Why can’t you stick any 1 activity only & that which your child really loves doing?
I understand we all mothers are working women now, but still can we find out a way to tackle this situation?
Can we talk to our kid’s schools about the bags weight?
Can we speak up for the teaching quality in school in spite of the high fees?
Can we ask them for at least 40 min lunch break & 40 min free play time (instead of 45min recess altogether?)
Can we talk to them regarding less home work from school?
If each & every parent of the schools raise their voice, then only its gonna change.
If we wish, we can…
We all should collectively talk to the school authorities. Changes might not happen overnight, but with our consistent efforts, we can bring the changes.
Along with this can we teach our kids these small things? (they will also take a bit time to understand & inculcate, so be patient)

  • Do at least 2 Surya namaskar after waking up? – This will make their back stronger.
  • Drink at least 2 full glasses of water before brushing – to eliminate toxins & remove acid built up in the system.
  • Eat dry fruits, fruits & a portion of homemade breakfast or proper Lunch ( if late school ) before going to school.
  • Give them at least 60 min outdoor play / game every single day irrespective of home work & exams.
  • See to it they are sleeping at least 8 hours every day.

Don’t compromise on their sleep for study. Sleep is important, eventually they will learn to manage timings.
Can we?